The Hero Of My Generation

ruben (Vietnam)

This is a photo of my grandpa when he was in the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War had to do with countries wanting to become communist. The United States wanted to step in to help prevent the Domino Theory. In other words, once a country becomes communist, the surrounding countries will fall into it too.

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In the end, we lose the war because the North Vietnam had better technology and such. But even though we lost, I still think of my grandpa as a hero. This picture is very important to us because it is part of history and I’m glad he made it out alive. I remember all the crazy stories he would tell me, of how he saw people die, even his best friends. He, himself, almost lost his life when one of the other soldiers shot him right next to his heart. But God had mercy and helped him get help and recover from the severe wound. The photograph will always be kept and well taken care of because soon this photo will be ancient to my great grandchildren, and hopefully they will continue to pass it on from generation to generation.

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