Capture The Moments

For some reason, I’ve always loved taking photos, whether it be taking a picture of myself, or the ones around me. I take multiple photos almost everyday. I don’t see why anybody wouldn’t, because that picture you just took can be something valuable to you in the future. For me, I usually take photos with my Samsung Galaxy S4. It can take some amazing photos for it just being a phone. When I’m about to take a photo, I try to capture the best angle and lighting possible. If there was a way to improve my photos, I would like to take a photography class and maybe some better lighting.

The reason I love to take pictures is because I can always look back at how many things has changed. For example, watching my beautiful son grow up day by day. It’s that amazing mixed feeling that I get because he is growing so fast, but I thank God for creating such technology to snap photos like these. I feel blessed because if you think about it, back in the old days, there was no such thing as a camera, and now, everyone has it at their fingertips.

Here are some adorable pictures of my son, Aiden, and a couple I took at the zoo that I loved!

401004_330107427042201_100001288385610_1048381_954582664_n       420947_329499893769621_100001288385610_1045637_1809504237_n aiden's dimple       2012-12-11 18.37.51-1 2014-02-25 17.37.21  2014-02-11 10.34.48  2014-02-25 17.37.08





2014-03-14 15.31.28    2014-03-14 14.58.50

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