“The Medium Is The Message” (Journal Topic #2)

Marshall McLuhan states that the mediums that an artist use are ways to demonstrate more than just the painting itself, but more of their creative minds. So as we learned in Module 5.1, there are some categories art falls into, such as drawing, painting, printmaking, and collage.
When it comes to drawing, there are many ways you can add very specific details to the art work. One of the details I have noticed is that drawings lack color because they are composed with pencils, charcoal, chalk, etc. This art piece was created in 1915 by Georgia O’Keeffe, called Drawing XIII.


In painting, you can express yourselves more with the colors or textures you decide to use. I say textures because there are some artist that paint without paint, for example, they can use sand. Here are two examples of the types of painting.  Brian Pike formed the sand painting and the famous “The Starry Night” by Vincent Van Gogh.



Printmaking category is a bit different from  the rest. I for one, am not the biggest fan of it. Kathryn Trigg’s “Meet the Sea” is a good example. It’s very plain, but catches the audience’s attention.



I am really interested in collages for some reason. It amazes me how so many little pieces become a whole giant picture. Kurt Schwitters’ “The Merzbau” is an incredible collage. Even though it is monochromatic, it really captures my attention with the shadings.


What ever medium an artist uses, there is always a reason to why they chose it. It’s amazing to know how you can be true to yourself and show who you really are behind the shades and colors of an artwork.

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